2023年5月13日 星期六

編目倫理守則 vs EDI

 透過編目能不能具體實踐 EDI?

之前讓我印象深刻的例子就是LIS News 選出2021十大影響圖書館界的時事 (Ten Stories That Shaped 2021),其中有一則新聞很有趣,就是美國國會圖書館將主題標目中的 " aliens" 與 "illegal aliens" 修改成 "noncitizens" 與 "illegal immigration"

編目也有倫理守則,2021年由編目倫理指導委員會 (Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee, CESC) 發布的10守則分別如下

  1. We catalogue resources in our collections with the end-user in mind to facilitate access and promote discovery. (我們以使用者為中心進行館藏編目,以便於方便取用與促進探索)
  2. We commit to describing resources without discrimination whilst respecting the privacy and preferences of their associated agents. (我們承諾不加歧視的描述資源,同時尊重相關機構的隱私和偏好。)
  3. We acknowledge that we bring our biases to the workplace; therefore, we strive to overcome personal, institutional, and societal prejudices in our work. (我們承認我們將偏見帶入了工作場所;因此,我們努力克服工作中的個人、制度和社會偏見。)
  4. We recognise that interoperability and consistent application of standards help our users find and access materials. However, all standards are biased; we will approach them critically and advocate to make cataloguing more inclusive. (我們認知到標準的互通性和一致性應用有助於我們的使用者查找和取用資料。然而,所有的標準都是有偏見的;我們將以批判性思考的態度地對待,並宣導使編目更具包容性。)
  5. We support efforts to make standards and tools financially, intellectually, and technologically accessible to all cataloguers, and developed with evidence-based research and stakeholder input. (我們努力使標準和工具讓所有編目員在經濟上、智力上和技術上可讓所有編者者使用,並在以實證為基礎的研究和利益相關者的投入下開發。)
  6. We take responsibility for our cataloguing decisions and advocate for transparency in our institutional practices and policies. (我們對我們的編目決定負責,並提倡我們機構實踐和政策的透明度。)
  7. We collaborate widely to support the creation, distribution, maintenance, and enrichment of metadata in various environments and jurisdictions. (我們廣泛合作以支持在各種環境和司法管轄區下創建、傳布、維護和進行詮釋資料加值。)
  8. We insist on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. We promote education, training, equitable pay, and a fair work environment for everyone who catalogues so that they can continue to support search and discovery.(我們堅持工作場所的多元化、公平和包容。我們為所有編目員提倡教育、培訓、公平薪酬和公平的工作環境,以便他們能夠繼續支援檢索和探索。)
  9. We advocate for the value of cataloguing work within our organisations and with external partners. (我們提倡在我們的組織內部和與外部合作夥伴一起進行編目工作的價值。)
  10. We work with our user communities to understand their needs in order to provide relevant and timely services. (我們與使用者社群合作,了解他們的需求,以便提供相關和及時的服務。)