2025年1月3日 星期五


 2017年聯合國教科文組織發布「媒體和資訊素養五大法則」, 2023.11 年更新版

法則1: 資訊、傳播、圖書館、媒體、科技、網際網路以及其他形式的資訊提供者皆應用於關鍵的公民參與和可持續發展。它們在地位上是平等的,沒有一種比其他的更為重要,也不應該被視為如此。。(Law One:Information, communication, libraries, media, technology, the Internet as well as other forms of information providers are for use in critical civic engagement and sustainable development. They are equal in stature and none is more relevant than the other or should be ever treated as such.)

法則2: 每位公民都是資訊/知識的創造者,並擁有自己的訊息。他們必須獲得能力,能夠接觸新的資訊/知識並表達自己。媒體和資訊素養(MIL)是為所有人服務的——無論男女,並且是人權的紐帶。(Every citizen is a creator of information/knowledge and has a message. They must be empowered to access new information/knowledge and to express themselves. MIL is for all – women and men equally – and a nexus of human rights.)

法則3:  資訊、知識和訊息並不總是價值中立的,或始終免受偏見影響。對於媒體和資訊素養(MIL)的任何概念化、使用和應用,都應該使這一真理對所有公民透明且易於理解。(Information, knowledge, and messages are not always value neutral, or always independent of biases. Any conceptualization, use and application of MIL should make this truth transparent and understandable to all citizens.)

法則4: 每位公民都希望知道和理解新的資訊、知識和訊息,並進行交流,即使她/他並不意識到、承認或表達自己這樣做。無論如何,她/他的權利絕不應受到損害。(Every citizen wants to know and understand new information, knowledge and messages as well as to communicate, even if she/he is not aware, admits or expresses that he/she does. Her/his rights must however never be compromised.)

法則5:媒體和資訊素養並不是一次性獲得的。它是一種生活經驗和動態的過程。當它包含知識、技能和態度時,並涵蓋資訊、媒體和技術內容的獲取、評估、使用、產出和交流時,才算是完整的。(Media and information literacy is not acquired at once. It is a lived and dynamic experience and process. It is complete when it includes knowledge, skills and attitudes, when it covers access, evaluation/assessment, use, production and communication of information, media and technology content.)

